Duda, S.
J., D. Kaiser and Z. Jian (1988): Determination and
interpretation of earthquake magnitude spactra. Geofizika, 5,
Magnitude spectra are determined for three major earthquakes of the year 1985: the Xianjiang earthquake of 23 August, and the Mexico earthquake of 19 September with its largest aftershock of 21 September. Broad-band recordings obtained at the Central Seismological Observatory of the Federal Republic of Germany (GRF) are used for the analysis. Pass-band seismograms are obtained by way of filtering the broad-band seismogram. The magnitude spectrum of an earthquake is determined from the velocity amplitude for each Fourier component. The magnitude spectrum represents the velocity amplitude density spectrum at the earthquake source scaled in magnitude units. A comparison of the magnitude spectra shows significant differences between the focal parameters of the earthquakes, even if their conventional magnitudes (m b , M s ) are similar.
Suhadolc, P.
(1988): Waveform modelling for the study of earth structure and seismic
sources. Geofizika,
5, 21-35. (in Slovenian)
modelling of observed seismograms using complete synthetic signals obtained
with the normal mode summation (Panza, 1985) is
presented. Both low and high frequency modelling are discussed with several
examples from
K., G. Stavrakakis, J. Latousakis
and J. Drakopoulos (1988): Seismic zoning studies in
the area of
The Greek
seismicity file developed by Makropoulos
and Burton (1981) for earthquakes up to 1978 and extended up to 1983 (Makropoulos et al., 1986), is examined in terms of
magnitude frequency using Gumbel’s third type
asymptotic distribution of extreme values. The forecasting parameters are
obtained by subdividing Greek seismicity in a
cellular manner. Combination of the Gumbel III earthquake
occurrence statistics for each cell with acceleration attenuation law leads to
perceptibility curves which give the probability of perceiving specific
acceleration levels from each earthquake magnitude up to local upper bound
magnitude w. These curves show a peak
probability which occurs at similar magnitudes defined as the “most
perceptible” earthquake. The range of these “most
perceptible” earthquake magnitudes is for an Ms of about 5.3 to 7.2.
results are presented as contouring maps for two average depths of 10 km and 20
km respectively. The features of the contoured perceptibility maps are
compatible with existing hazard maps of
V., K. Makropoulos, J. Drakopoulos
and P. Burton (1988): Effects of site geology on the attenuation of macroseismic intensity in
The contribution
of different categories of local geological conditions to the observed macroseismic intensities in
laws are derived using both earthquakes and they are compared to determine the
attenuation factors appropriate for different rock types. They are also tested
for different azimuths from the macroseismic
epicentre in order to assess the influence of the radiation pattern of the earthquake
in relation to the degree of attenuation in a specific direction. The
comparison of the detailed intensity results with strong motion data from the
same area and in different geological formations,
indicates that there is some relation between them.
Ribarič, V.
(1988): The space and time pattern of the local seismicity
The territory of Slovenia is subdivided into five seismogenetic regions according to their geological, tectonical, and geophysical properties. The seismicity of these regions is determined on the basis of more than 3000 earthquakes contained in the catalogue for Slovenia . Seismically most active part is concentrated in central, south-eastern and south-western Slovenia (zones B 2 , B 3 , and A 2 ).
Temporal energy release, strain release and indexes of seismic activity have been determined for all characteristic regions. Introducing parameter
it is shown that a temporal dependence of the activity exists, and further, that and increase of the activity in south-eastern and south-western Slovenia is accompanied by a decrease of activity in its central part, and vice versa.
Variations of b -value in the relation have been determined for the three characteristic regions A 2 , B 2 , and B 3 . They have been correlated with times of occurrence of strong earthquakes. It is shown that most events occurred in time intervals when the b -value was 0.9 or less, or when the trend of the b -value was negative.
Hadžievski, D.
(1988): Effects of the process within the earthquake focus upon the seismic
zoning of the terrain. Geofizika,
5, 75-88. (in Croatian)
of microseismic and macroseismic
data of some earthquakes in our country and comparison with the tectonic
characteristics of region points to the conclusion that the fault in the
earthquake focus could not always be presented by motion on one plain only.
those empirical data we also learn the kind of motion in the focus that affects
the character of the seismic ground oscillation, as well as the character and
intensity degree. Thus, in seismic zoning, besides all other elements which are
usually taken into consideration, it is also necessary to consider the
following: orientation and dimension of the focus, and the kind and size of the
motion in it. Then the spatial relationship between the motion focus and the
area on the surface of the Earth under consideration could be determined, along
with the dynamic characteristics of the seismic oscillations, and also the
volume of the released energy, as well as the intensity degree of expected
motion in future, which, as it can be seen from some examples, can reach almost
the same maximal epicentral value not only in the epicentral area but also outside it.
D., L. Pekevski and V. Čejkovska
(1988): Seismic zoning and the problem of determination of expected maximum
magnitude. Geofizika,
5, 89-106. (in Croatian)
of the expected maximum magnitude (Mmax) in future earthquakes is one of the most
important problems in seismic zoning of an area. On the example of the
methods have been used for the first time for 4 seismoactive
zones on the
S., R. K. Majumdar and A. Gupta (1988): Seismicity, b-values
and focal depth distributions of earthquakes in the
analysis of seismic data of the Andaman-Nicobar
Island region that lies between 4°-16°N and 90°-98°E has been made for the 1900
– 1982 period. A seismicity map has been
prepared for the aforesaid period. The major features of the seismicity of the region are well seen from this map. It
shows a well-defined pattern almost parallel to the structural trend of the
basin. The b values as determined
from the earthquake frequency-magnitude relationship of Gutenberg and Richter
are found to be in good agreement with the result obtained in northeast
Sikošek, B.
(1988): The role and importance of seismotectonical
investigations in seismic zoning. Geofizika, 5, 121-132. (in Serbian)
modern seismical preventive, representing a rapidly
developing field of research activities, is based mostly on data related to the
locations of sources of seismic energy that pose a threat to given part of
Earth’s surface, as well as those related to their capacities in respect
of stored seismic energy.
investigations are of particular importance in the areas threatened by earthquake
of tectonic origin, and these are of both the basic and applied nature.
According to relations among their superficial and deeper geological structural
features, strains and stresses, recent tectonic displacements and seismic
activities, to the seismotectonical investigations
are able to determine the seismogene structures, as
well as to predict the positions and capacities of foci of possible earthquakes
that can threaten a given area. Such data then represent the important criteria
in determining the parameters in planning of buildings and other objects in earthquake
prone areas.
Seismotectonics is
relatively new science, based on and resulting from the geological, geophysical
and seismical studies and investigations. The
cumulative effects of these results, as well as their quality, were mainly
responsible for development of seismo-tectonics. Its
development has also been influenced by the construction industry, particularly
when planning high dams, nuclear power plaints, and other objects where the
extreme safety is requested. This cannot be done without the data obtained by seismotectonic investigations.
10. Cvijanović, D. and B. Krstulović
(1988): Relationship between attenuation functions of acceleration and
intensity of earthquakes. Geofizika, 5, 133-137. (in Croatian)
definition of function of seismic energy attenuation has important influence on
the seismic design parameters. Empirical attenuation functions of acceleration
or the intensity of earthquakes, which are often applied in