Özsöz, I. and O. Ankaya Pamukçu (2022): Interpretation of the magnetic anomalies over the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Ridge using Swarm-A satellite.
The procedures and interpretation of the magnetic data measured over the
Mid-Atlantic Ocean Ridge by Swarm-A satellite is discussed in this paper. The
data processing procedure has four phases after the data format conversion. The
first phase is the selecting data whose Kp index is lower than 1. Secondly, the
main magnetic field should be subtracted from the measured data for example
through the IGRF model. This step is followed by removing trend, related to the
satellite trajectory. The final step is eliminating the dipole nature of the magnetic
field via Reduction to the Pole (RTP). Nonetheless, the RTP process might
cause misinterpretation over the large study area and lower latitudes. Therefore,
the amplitude of the analytic signal (AS) is used as an alternative to the
RTP. The qualitative interpretation of the magnetic anomaly is conducted via
AS anomaly, bathymetry, heat flow and tectonic map. Quantitatively correlation
coefficients of bathymetry and heat flow with respect to AS are interpreted.
Keywords: SWARM, magnetic data processing, analytic signal, qualitative and quantitative interpretation [