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Geofizika is an open-access, peer-reviewed international journal. Geofizika issues contributions dealing with topics concerning physics of the atmosphere, the sea and the Earth's interior. The journal is published by the Andrija Mohorovičić Geophysical Institute (Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia). Geofizika succeeds the Papers series, which has been published since 1923 at the Geophysical Institute in Zagreb. As of 2006 (Vol. 23) the journal is published semiannually. Older volumes were issued annually. Geofizika je recenzirani međunarodni časopisa otvorenog pristupa, u kojem se objavljuju radovi iz područja fizike atmosfere, fizike mora i fizike unutrašnjosti Zemlje. Geofizički zavod "Andrija Mohorovičić" izdaje časopis Geofizika. Časopis se nadovezuje na ediciju Radovi, koja je počela izlaziti još 1923. godine. Od 2006. godine (Vol. 23) časopis izlazi dva puta u godini, a stariji jednom godišnje. WoS Impact Factor (2023) 2-Year – 0.9 5-Year – 1.3 ISSN: 0352-3659 Electronic ISSN: 1846-6346 |